Sree Travels was registered under the trade mark of Sree Groups in the year 2006 and the company has been operational since then.
The registration number is U63031KA2017PTC102726.
Sree Travels takes great pride in aligning its policies to stay abreast with the latest technological advancements in travel to offer secure, timely and quality infused services to its esteemed clients PAN India.
Sree Travels is particularly concerned and sensitive towards women’s security and the measures begin with the hiring process in addition to the following:
The drivers go through a rigorous training program before being employed. They’re trained by our expert and experienced staff in the following:
The driver’s meet each month at Sree office. They’re performance is reviewed, information about change in traffic rules imparted, mock emergency drills conducted, grievances are heard and redressed.
Generate reports and track ‘No Show’ employees who frequently do not use the cab and report the same to the client logistics team to reduce the cab occupancy size.
To increase efficiency Site Supervisors are provided by Sree Travels. A senior employee of Sree will also be instated as the Site-in-charge to ensure proper co-ordination, discipline and error free operations.
The route list will be periodically audited and organized area wise for optimum efficiency.
The drivers are required to mandatorily attend the monthly meetings at Sree office for regular briefings. The vehicles are also subjected to weekly inspections and is checked for the following based on the checklist maintained and updated: